To get to the Artsonia Classroom Mode:
1. Click here
2. Copy and paste the code for the correct project (see below). Make sure you are under the correct school's heading (DYER or KALER). Click Login
3. Scroll down to find your name (or your child's name). Click on the name if there is a green dot.
4. Click the green "ENTER STATEMENT" button.
5. Confirm identity by clicking the green "YES THAT'S ME" button.
6. Type your artist statement. What would you like to tell the world about your artwork? What did you learn? What did you like about the project? Would you do anything differently next time? (Parents, if your child is not old enough to type by him/herself, please type exactly what your child would like the statement to say)
7. When finished, click the green "SUBMIT TO TEACHER" button.
8. Click the red "LOG ME OUT" button at the top.
I will review the statement and publish to Artsonia! Thank you for taking the time to reflect and share your artwork's story.
Please email me @ if you have any difficulties.
5th Grade:
Upside down Man Drawing Exercise: DJMC-CCKH-HZSF
4th Grade:
Pinch Pot Mugs: WYDN-ZBMN-STSJ (Artwork in progress!)
3rd Grade:
Foil/Sharpie 7 Elements of Art: RMSS-BRDB-KJMD
2nd Grade:
Paul Klee Geometric Warm/Cool Color Castles: HZHW-HRHP-PTPH
1st Grade:
Oil Pastel Color Wheels (Secondary Colors): ZMRR-WZNH-NHKY
6 Kinds of Lines=Many Different Shapes: FTST-MHHT-NTHD
5th Grade:
Upside down Man Drawing Exercise: ZWZP-RSSC-XJCS
4th Grade:
Pinch Pot Mugs: FMHY-FPSR-HBBS
3rd Grade:
Foil/Sharpie 7 Elements of Art: YWMJ-JTWT-BSHT
2nd Grade:
Paul Klee Geometric Warm/Cool Color Castles: PRZY-XBWY-CPJK
1st Grade:
Oil Pastel Color Wheels (Secondary Colors): DTDH-DCCZ-PJTC
6 Kinds of Lines=Many Different Shapes: NDBT-PNHM-CCZS